Application Instructions for single trees
For single trees or a few trees, place 1-4 dispensers on each tree. Larger trees standing alone are the most susceptible to attack.
10-15" diameter - 1 dispenser
15-20" diameter - 2 dispensers
20-25" diameter - 3 dispensers
> 25" diameter - 4 dispensers
To apply:
Cut foil package as close to the top and remove the 2 white Verbenone pouches (do not cut the white pouches). (It is recommended to use poly gloves to keep the oily pheromone off the fingers). Staple or nail only through the colored tab at the top of the dispenser on the North side of tree to keep out of the sun. Place at a height about head high and out of reach of children. Preferably start at height of 6 feet. If using more than 1 dispenser, then place on Northeast or Northwest side of tree at 6 and 7 feet.
10-15" diameter - 1 dispenser
15-20" diameter - 2 dispensers
20-25" diameter - 3 dispensers
> 25" diameter - 4 dispensers
To apply:
Cut foil package as close to the top and remove the 2 white Verbenone pouches (do not cut the white pouches). (It is recommended to use poly gloves to keep the oily pheromone off the fingers). Staple or nail only through the colored tab at the top of the dispenser on the North side of tree to keep out of the sun. Place at a height about head high and out of reach of children. Preferably start at height of 6 feet. If using more than 1 dispenser, then place on Northeast or Northwest side of tree at 6 and 7 feet.